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Tuesday, September 25

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Other Local Activities:


Metals in Structural Biology (all day)Location: Trinity Conference Room

  • Metals in protein environments can confer unique reactivity, and challenging chemistry often involves complex metallocofactors. Synchrotron-based techniques enable experiments that closely measure and monitor metal active site geometry and protein structure.  For redox-active crystal samples on which X-ray diffraction data is obtained, parallel spectroscopic methods are being increasingly used to investigate whether the observed 3-dimensional structure is in an enzymatically active or inactive state, as well as whether the metal oxidation state has been altered in the X-ray beam. In this workshop on Metals in Structural Biology we will emphasize the use of spectroscopic methods (electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), UV-vis, and X-ray spectroscopy methods), with a break out session to explore development of EPR methods for single crystals.
  • We are investigating the possibility of sharing this workshop though ZOOM, so please let us know if you might be interested in this option.
  • Organizers:  S. Bowman/HWI, A. Cohen/SLAC SSRL
  • Program: 

    8:30 amIntroduction - Sarah Bowman, HWI
    9:00 amAina Cohen, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    9:30 amJen Bridwell-Rabb, University of Michigan
    10:00 amCarrie Wilmot, University of Minnesota
    10:30 amBreak
    10:50 amEdward Snell, HWI
    11:20 amEric Walter, EMSL
    11:50 amGraham George, University of Saskatchewan
    12:20 pmLunch Break
    1:30 pmJunko Yano, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    2:00 pmThomas Poulos, University of California Irvine
    2:30 pmJonathan Clinger, Rice University
    2:50 pmBreak
    3:10 pmThomas Kroll, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    3:45 pmBrainstorming session for single crystal EPR developments
    4:30 pmWrap up


Other Local Activities:

Falling Walls Lab (3-5 PM)Location: Kavli Auditorium

In conjunction with the SSRL/LCLS Users’ Conference, there will be a Falling Walls Lab at SLAC on Tuesday, 9/25, 3-5 pm in the Kavli Auditorium (Building 51).

Listen to presentations by participants, who will each get a three-minute opportunity to present their research work, business model, or initiative. There will be ~15 incredible presenters pitching their ideas, and a highly accomplished jury consisting of experts from academia, research institutions, and business to adjudicate the event.The 3-minute presentations include topics about "breaking the wall" of:

  • HIV infection
  • Illiteracy
  • Inaccessibility of STEM education
  • Social media and more

The best presenter will win a trip to the annual Falling Walls Conference in Berlin, Germany.Refreshments will be provided during the presentations, and please stay for a cocktail reception afterwards to meet the participants.Visit the event website for more details. Registration is appreciated, but this event is free and open to everyone at SLAC.

For more information, contact Uwe Bergmann

SLAC Public Lecture --  Cryo-EM:  Amazing 3-D Views of Life's Molecular Machines (Wah Chiu) (7:30 PM)

Panofsky Auditorium, Science and User Support Building (B53) Description:  Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a revolutionary technology for making 3D images of the inner workings of cells in much higher resolution than ever possible before. Under development for four decades, it’s seen such rapid progress over the past few years that three of its developers were awarded a Nobel prize in 2017. “Cryo” refers to the fact that samples are flash-frozen before being “photographed” from multiple angles with focused electron beams. The reconstructed images show how atoms are arranged within molecular machines inside our cells – from the proton channels that help keep cells healthy by controlling their acidity to the molecular gadgets viruses use to maintain their ability to infect. This lecture will present newly obtained images that show a wide variety of these tiny engines in action, and describe cryo-EM’s potential for improving human health.

About the Speaker:  Wah Chiu received his PhD in biophysics from the University of California,  Berkeley in 1975, where he participated in the early days of cryo-electron microscope imaging of biological molecules. After appointments at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of Arizona, he moved to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, where he founded a major center for the study of protein structure and biological imaging. In 2017, he returned to California as a Stanford professor with a joint appointment in bioengineering, microbiology and immunology and in photon science at SLAC, where he is the director of the lab’s new national user facility for cryo-electron microscopy. Chiu is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

6th High Power Laser WorkshopLocation: Panofsky Auditorium, Lobby & Patio

Poster Session & Reception on SUSB Patio