Thursday, Sept 27
Morning Plenary SessionLocation: Panofsky Auditorium
8:25 am | Session Moderator Welcome & Introductions Graham George, University of Saskatchewan (SSRL UEC Vice Chair) |
8:30 am | DOE BES Update Harriet Kung, Associate Director of Science for Basic Energy Sciences |
9:00 am | LCLS Update Mike Dunne, LCLS Director Live Stream |
9:30 am | SSRL Update Kelly Gaffney, SSRL Director Live Stream |
10:00 am | Town Hall Discussion with User Facility Directors and UEC Chairs (M. Dunne, K. Gaffney, C. Bostedt, D. Bushnell, A. Gleason, G. George) Live Stream |
10:30 am | Meet at SUSB entrance for Group Photo, followed by Coffee Break (Exhibits in Trinity, Panofsky Hallway & Main Lobby) |
10:50 am | The current status and future potential of ultrafast gas-phase photochemistry studies at LCLS / LCLS-II. Peter Weber, Brown University |
11:25 am | Operando Characterization of Catalytic Reactions in Enzymes and Inorganic Systems. Junko Yano, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
12:00 pm | Lunch Break (Exhibits in Trinity, Panofsky Hallway & Main Lobby) |
Afternoon Parallel Workshops*
- LCLS II Early Science - Part II (Kavli Auditorium)
- Machine Learning for X-ray Science: From machine optimization to experimental planning (Redwood Conference Room C/D)
- Tips to Communicate your Science (Panofsky Auditorium)
- Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) (Redwood Conference Room A/B)
Exhibits in Trinity, Panofsky Hallway & Main Lobby
Evening Activities
- 5-7 pm User Science Poster Session & Reception (SUSB Patio)
- 7 pm Presentation of the Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Awards (SUSB Patio)
LCLS-II Early Science - Part IILocation: Kavli Auditorium
- This workshop will focus on early science opportunities for LCLS-II, specifically the instruments NEH 1.1 (NAMASTE and DReaM) and the NEH 2.2 instrument (LJE). Speakers will be invited to present ideas of the most compelling science that will exploit these instruments in the areas of fundamental charge dynamics in isolated molecules, and coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecular assemblies. Brief overviews of the capabilities of the instruments will be provided, and the early science process for LCLS-II will be presented.
- Organizers: Roberto Alonso-Mori, Georgi Dakovski, David Fritz, Mike Minitti, Robert Schoenlein, Peter Walter, Diling Zhu (LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
1:00 pm Introduction: LCLS-II "Early Science" Robert Schoenlein, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1:10 pm Overview of TMO Instrument for LCLS-II Peter Walter, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1:30 pm Attosecond Electron Dynamics in Molecules using LCLS-II Nora Berrah, University of Connecticut 2:00 pm Attosecond X-ray Science at LCLS-II Wolfram Helml, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 2:30 pm Merging attosecond physics and ultrafast photochemistry in multi-coincidence experiments at LCLS-II Artem Rudenko, Kansas State University 3:00 pm General discussion on TMO (NEH1.1) early science 3:20 pm Break 3:35 pm Overview of chem-RIXS Instrument for LCLS-II Georgi Dakovski, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 3:55 pm Transition metal L-edge spectroscopy on biological and related systems enabled by LCLS-II Jan Kern, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 4:25 pm Chemical interactions and dynamics with soft x-ray RIXS at LCLS-II Philippe Wernet, HZB Berlin, BESSY 4:55 pm General discussion on chem-RIXS (NEH2.2B) early science
Machine Learning for X-ray Science: From machine optimization to experimental planningLocation: Redwood Conference Rooms C/D
- Across the National user facilities Physicists, Chemists, Materials Scientists, Engineers and Computer Scientists are working collaboratively to adapt and develop machine learning (ML) tools to increase the efficiency of how x-rays are delivered and how science is performed at user facilities. We propose to bring together researchers who are developing ML tools for delivering x-rays, building data analysis tools, and building artificial intelligence to design experiments. The workshop will be designed to increase visibility and collaboration between researchers across these seemingly disparate topic areas. Additionally, the workshop will have a secondary focus to introduce users to existing ML tools which have been developed to increase their efficiency at the user facilities, but for which they may not be aware exist. This workshop would be followed by a broader 2-day workshop being planned in conjunction with Stanford to broadly explore how machine learning can be used to accelerate material science, with hands on demonstrations of how we can use existing data to build predictive models for future experiments.
- Organizers: C. Tassone, L. Schelhas, R. Coffee/SLAC
- Program:
26 September Speakers
1:30-1:50 pm Daniela Ushizima
1:50-2:10 pm Alex Hexemer
2:10-2:30 pm John Perkins
2:30-2:50 pm Alexey Boubnov
2:50-3:10 pm Kareem Hegazy
3:10-3:30 pm Kyle Peterson
3:30-3:50 pm Gregor Hartmann
3:50-4:10 pm Franklin Fuller: Gaussian Processes for new and old spectroscopic measurements in the low photon counting regime
4:10-5:10 pm Discussion: Crafting a shared vision for ML for beamline science
27 September Speakers
1:00-1:20 pm Lenson Pellouchoud
1:20-1:40 pm Gabriel Blaj
1:40-3:00 pm Discussion: How do we organize labelled training data
3:00-3:25 pm Group Photo & Break
3:25-3:45 pm Abraham Stern
3:45-5:00 pm Discussion: How do we share ML tools for our shared vision
Tips to Communicate your ScienceLocation: Panofsky Auditorium
- This workshop will provide practical tips and interactive training to help scientists/users develop skills to better communicate their science to mainstream audiences, such as the general public and media, as well as elected officials and funding agencies. This session will highlight:
- The importance of sharing your science with non-scientific audiences
- How to communicate with government agencies and funding agencies
- How to talk about science with the general public (e.g. public lectures, tours)
- What makes a good story for science journalists
- How to work with your organization’s communications office
- Crafting your science pitch
- Organizers: A. Gordon, M. Lee, N.Geise, G. George, B. Mooers (SSRL UEC, SLAC Communications)
1:00 pm Welcome/Importance of engaging people to share your stories Melinda Lee, SLAC Communications Director 1:10 pm Communicating with government representatives, funding agencies and elected officials Ashley White, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Introduction by Melinda Lee) 1:40 pm Communicating with the public - A panel of SLAC scientists talk about their experiences discussing their research with a public audience, such as on tours, at public lectures or with the media. Uwe Bergmann, Arianna Gleason-Holbrook, Laura Schelhas. Moderated by Ali Sundermier. 2:10 pm Break 2:20 pm Communicating with the media – Science editors discuss what makes a good science story, and how to talk about your science to reporters. Jyllian Kemsely (Chemical & Engineering News), Tia Ghose (Live Science). Moderated by Glennda Chui. 2:50 pm How to work with your Communications Office – Advice on how to leverage your institution’s communications team for press releases, graphics, videos and other materials to share the story of your science. Angela Anderson, Greg Stewart, Farrin Abbott 3:20 pm Time to work in pairs/small groups on your elevator pitch (or share experiences communicating with the public) 3:50 pm Interactive Open Mic – Share your 1 minute elevator pitch (with feedback from members of the SLAC communications team and C&EN science editor) 4:40 pm Discussion/Closing Remarks from SSRL UEC
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED)Location: Redwood Conference Room A/B
- Responding to the recommendations of DOE BES Future Electron Scattering and diffraction workshop, SLAC has commissioned an Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) R&D platform which provides MeV-, 100-femtosecond-scale electron pulses to support ultrafast science programs. This workshop is aimed at and future users interested in experiments at SLAC's MeV-UED facility. In a series of plenary talks, we will give an introduction into current and future capabilities of the UED facility, and discuss future scientific opportunities. Recent achievements from gas phase, warm dense matter and solid state experiments will also be presented . The plenary session is followed by a number of parallel breakout sessions focusing on future research ideas in AMO science, ultrafast photochemistry, time-dependent phenomena in solid samples, and investigations into warm dense matter. For these breakout sessions, we invite participants to prepare 5-minute-long presentations on their experimental ideas. To present your experimental ideas, email to workshop organizers.
- Organizers: Aaron Lindenberg, Xijie Wang, Siegfried Glenzer, Thomas Wolf (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
1:00 pm Welcome and Workshop Introduction Mike Dunne, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1:15 pm Towards Control of Electronic Excited States: The role for ultrafast structure determination Kelly Gaffney, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 1:45 pm Laser as a tool for investigation of material behavior far from equilibrium: Large-scale atomistic simulations and implication for interpretation of UED experiments Leonid Zhigilei, University of Virginia 2:15 pm SLAC MeV-UED performance and near term improvements Xiaozhe Shen, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 2:30 pm Break 3:00 pm Recent developments in gas phase UED: paving the way to UED on thin liquid jet targets Pedro Nunes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 3:15 pm Ultrafast electron diffraction studies of a condensed matter system Edbert Jarvis Sie, Stanford University 3:30 pm New regimes for studying materials science under extreme conditions enabled by MeV-UED Mianzhen Mo, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 3:45 pm Ultrafast MeV Electron Diffraction from Molecules in the Gas Phase Martin Centurion, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 4:15 pm Molecular dynamics simulations of defect nucleated and non-thermal melting transitions driven by ultrafast laser irradiation Samuel Murphy, Lancaster University, UK 4:45 pm UED/UEM R&D @ SLAC Renkai Li, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory