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Friday, Sept 28

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Full Day Workshops:

Morning Workshops:

Afternoon Workshops:


Advancing Informational Gain from Synchrotron Techniques in Subsurface ScienceLocation: Trinity Conference Room

  • As technical developments have enabled improvements in the spatial and temporal resolution, contrast, and detection capabilities of synchrotron techniques, the complexity of the scientific questions and systems that can be targeted has also increased. Advancements in recent years have opened the opportunity for interrogating the surface structure and chemical composition of nanoparticles and microbial-/organo-mineral interactions (HRFD-XAS, STXM, nanoSIMS), as well as for obtaining time-resolved 3D-images of intact rock/soil cores, biological samples (CT, TXM, SAXS), and high-resolution 2D chemical maps (micro/nano-XRF) at large scale and with sophisticated image analysis methods. Significant advancements also have been made in statistical and computational approaches for analyzing and abstracting information from complex data sets, such as images. In some cases, these methods are relatively new to the field.  One such example is application of machine learning to 2D and 3D x-ray imaging data acquisition and analysis. With more in-depth, efficient and less labor-intensive image analyses, informational gain and throughput could increase dramatically.  This symposium aims to:
    • bring light to the advancements to synchrotron techniques and computational analyses that impact subsurface science
    • Stimulate innovative discussions about the opportunities these advancements bring to subsurface research
    • identify future opportunities and steps to increase the informational gain from existing techniques
  • Organizers:  Kristin Boye and John Bargar/SLAC SSRL
  • We invite scientists, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students to contact workshop organizers (Kristin BoyeJohn Bargar) to contribute ideas to this symposium in these and related areas. We are looking forward to a scientifically exciting session!
  • Program:
9-11.30 amImaging & spectroscopic interrogation of rhizosphere and sediment processes
9-9:30 amArjen van Veelen, LANL/Univ Southampton:   Multimodal correlative imaging of plant-mycorrhizae interaction for phosphorus uptake from soil
9:30-10 amTherese Suren LaRue, Carnegie Inst., Stanford:  Uncovering natural variation in root system dynamics using luminescence
10-10:30 amNancy Hess, PNNL:  Advanced mass spectroscopy approaches for chemical imaging in the rhizosphere
10-10:30 am Break
10:30-11 amMacon Abernathy, UC Riverside:  Characterizing the interactions of vanadium with manganese oxide: kinetics, adsorption and products
11-11:30 amSharon Bone, SSRL:  Integrating imaging techniques for elucidating coupled nutrient and contaminant biogeochemical cycles
11:30-1 pmLunch Break
1-2:30 pm New methodology, data science, and modeling
1-1:30 pmJonathan Ajo Franklin, LBNL:  Advances in 4D synchrotron microtomography as applied to questions in energy and the environment
1:30-2 pmPeter Nico, LBNL:  Cross-scale molecular analysis of chemical heterogeneity in shale rocks
2-2:30 pmIlenia Battiato, Stanford:  Modeling as driver of x-ray imaging methods in subsurface science
2:30-3:30 pmRound table
3:30 PMAdjourn

Sample Delivery Workshop - Recent developments in sample delivery and demonstrations of common techniquesLocation: Kavli Auditorium

  • Organizers: Bill Bauer (HWI), Mark Hunter (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), Bruce Doak (Max Planck Institute)
  • Program:

    8:30 am3D Printed Nozzles
    9:00 amFlexible sample delivery by combining droplet on demand with fixed target systems Franklin Fuller, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    9:30 amRoadrunner III & IV: High speed fixed-target sample delivery Alke Meents, DESY
    10:00 amSample Delivery: High-Viscosity Liquid Injector and Its Applications Sahba Zaare, Arizona State University
    10:20 amBreak
    10:40 amMixing injector for serial femtosecond crystallography: principles, fabrication, and experimental design George Calvey, Cornell University
    11:10 amSheet Jet Development and Applications Jake Koralek, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    11:40 amMesh and Co-Mesh Development and Applications Raymond Sierra, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    12:00 pmLunch Break
    1:15 pmGas Dynamic Virtual Nozzle (GDVN) - Demonstration of the use of GDVN delivery systems Sahba Zaare, Arizona State University
    2:30 pmBreak
    3:00 pmLipidic Cubic Phase (LCP) Delivery Systems Demonstration of the use of LCP injectors Uwe Weierstall, Hao Hu, Arizona State University
    4:00 pmMixing injector demonstration and practical training Andrea Katz, George Calvey, Cornell University


Computational Workflows for X-ray ScienceLocation: Redwood Conference Rooms C/D


Defects and Interfaces in Batteries Probed by Synchrotron X-ray TechniquesLocation: Panofsky Auditorium

  • Rechargeable battery technologies have ignited significant breakthroughs in contemporary society, including but not limited to revolutions in transportation, electronics, and grid energy storage. The remarkable development of rechargeable batteries can be largely attributed to in-depth efforts to understand and improve defects and interfaces in batteries. There are, however, still intimidating challenges of lower cost, longer cycle and calendar life, higher energy density, and better safety for large-scale energy storage and vehicular applications. Further progress with rechargeable batteries may require new chemistries (lithium-ion batteries and beyond) and a better understanding of materials electrochemistry in the various battery technologies. In the past decade, advancement of battery materials has been complemented by new analytical techniques that are capable of probing battery chemistries at various length and time scales. Synchrotron X-ray techniques stand out as one of the most effective methods that allows for nearly nondestructive probing of materials characteristics such as electronic and geometric structures with various depth sensitivities through spectroscopy, scattering, and imaging capabilities. This workshop will cover synchrotron X-ray based analytical tools (scattering, spectroscopy and imaging) and their successful applications (ex situin situ, and in operando) in gaining fundamental insights into these scientific questions. The workshop will also highlight current progress of advanced experimental and computational methodologies, such as high-throughput data acquisition, data mining and machine learning, which have emerged as effective and efficient methods for converting the experimental data into scientific findings.
  • Organizers:  Feng Lin/Virginia Tech, Andrej Singer/Cornell, Yijin Liu/SLAC SSRL
  • Tentative Program: 

    8:00-8:15 amOpening remarks (Feng Lin, Andrej Singer, Yijin Liu)
    8:15-8:45 amOleg Shpyrko, UCSD
    8:45-9:15 amJudith Alvarado, LBNL
    9:15-9:45 amHuolin Xin, UC Irvine/BNL
    9:45-10:15 amBreak (Group Photo)
    10:15-10:45 amBryan McCloskey, UC Berkeley/LBNL
    10:45-11:15 amSeung-Ho Yu, Cornell
    11:15-11:45 amChuancheng Duan, Colorado School of Mines
    11:45-1:30Lunch Break
    1:30-2:00 pmWanli Yang, LBNL/ALS
    2:00-2:30 pmWei Tong, LBNL
    2:30-3:00 pmJin Suntivich, Cornell
    3:00-3:30 pmBreak
    3:30-4:00 pmYang Yang, ESRF
    4:00-4:30 pmKejie Zhao, Purdue
    4:30-5:00 pmMing Tang, Rice
    5:00-5:30 pmWilliam Gent, Stanford
    5:30-5:45 pmClosing remarks (Feng Lin, Andrej Singer, Yijin Liu)


Dynamic Phenomena Revealed by Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy - from IR to X-rayLocation: Redwood Conference Rooms C/D



Gas Phase Chemistry, from Femto to Attosecond PhysicsLocation: Berryessa Conference Room

  • Organizers: Peter Weber, Jame Cryan LCLS, Christoph Bostedt EPFL/PSI
  • Program:

    8:30 amTheoretical Approaches for Attosecond Charge Motion Antonio Picon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    9:00 amTime-Resolved X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Thomas Wolf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    9:30 amDiffractive Imaging for Chemical Dynamics Brian Stankus, Brown University
    10:00 amAttosecond Soft X-ray Pulses - XLEAP Update Ago Marinelli, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    10:20 amBreak
    10:40 amAttosecond Streaking Experiments at FELs Wolfram Helml, Technische Universität München & Gregor Hartmann, University of Kassel
    11:15 amMulti-Color Operations for Chemical Dynamics Alberto Lutmann, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    11:35 amSimulating X-ray Observables Robert Parrish, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory



UED WorkshopLocation: Redwood Conference Rooms A/B

  • Organizers: Siegfried Glenzer (SLAC), Aaron Lindenberg(SLAC), Thomas Wolf (SLAC), Xijie Wang (SLAC)
  • Program:

    8:30 amVisualizing Localized Structural Dynamics with Femtosecond Electron Imaging David Flannigan, University of Minnesota
    9:00 amMapping momentum-dependent electron-phonon coupling and phonon dynamics in two-dimensional materials using ultrafast electron diffuse scattering Laurent René de Cotret, McGill University
    9:30 amMeV Ultra-fast Electron Diffraction for Photo-Excited Hot Electron Dynamics of Nanoporous Gold Mingwei Chen, Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering
    10:00 amBreakout Session Introduction: Chemical Dynamics, Material Science & Materials Under Extreme Conditions Siegfried Glenzer, Aaron M Lindenberg, Thomas Wolf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    10:20 amBreak
    10:40 amBreakout session I: Chemical Dynamics Thomas Wolf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
     Breakout session II: Material Science Aaron Lindenberg, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
     Breakout session III: Materials Under Extreme Conditions Siegfried Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    11:30 amBreakout session I report: Chemical Dynamics Thomas Wolf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    11:40 amBreakout session II report: Material Science Aaron Lindenberg, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    11:50 amBreakout session III report: Materials Under Extreme Conditions Siegfried Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory



User-Focused Beam Line Control and Monitoring for X-ray ScienceLocation: Berryessa Conference Room

  • This workshop addresses how users use the control and monitoring systems and how they involve them in their experimental workflow.  How are custom experimental tools used in conjunction with the control and monitoring systems?  It will cover how human-computer interaction considerations are incorporated in designing these systems.  There will be a preview of what is to come in LCLS-II control systems, and a discussion of what users would like to see in these systems.
  • Organizers: Christine Sweeney (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Paul Fuoss, Dan Flath (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
  • Program:

    1:00 pmLCLS and LCLS-II Beam Line controls Dan Flath, Alex Wallace, Teddy Rendahl, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    1:45 pmLCLS User Experience Studies Devangi Vivrekar, Symbolic Systems Dept., Stanford University
    2:15 pmBeam Line Control Use Cases Eric Galtier, Bill Schlotter, Mengning Liang, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    3:00 pmBreak
    3:30 pmEPICS and Beamline Controls at the Advanced Photon Source Joseph Sullivan, APS, Argonne National Laboratory
    4:00 pmThe Scientist as User Jeff Shrager, Cancer Commons and Symbolic Systems Dept., Stanford University
    4:30 pmDiscussion of user needs



LCLS-II Data Reduction and Data SystemsLocation: Redwood Conference Rooms A/B

  • Organizers: Chris O'Grady, SLAC LCLS, Jana Thayer, SLAC LCLS, Amedeo Perazzo, SLAC LCLS
  • Program:

    1:00 pmData Systems Overview Jana Thayer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    1:25 pmData Reduction: Algorithm Review Christopher O'Grady, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    1:45 pmData Reduction: Teststand Status and Performance Clemens Weninger, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    2:05 pmData Reduction: SZ Compression and Crystallography Chuck Yoon, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    2:25 pmData Reduction: FPGA Methods Sioan Zohar, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    2:45 pmBreak
    3:15 pmData Systems: psana Mona Uervirojnangkoorn, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    3:35 pmData Systems: Real-time Monitoring With AMI Dan Damiani, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    3:55 pmData Systems: Data Formats Christopher O'Grady, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    4:15 pmData Systems: Calibration Mikhail Dubrovin, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory