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The user science poster session provides a great opportunity to share your latest advances and results as well as network with colleagues to learn about new capabilities, technology and research results.  The next User Science Poster Session and competition was held on Thursday, September 27, 5-7 pm.

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2018 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!

Bor-Rong Chen, Stanford University/SLAC SSRL:  Understanding Crystallization Pathways of Manganese Oxide Polymorphs Formation by Using in-situ X-ray Scattering

Valentina Rossi, University College Cork, Ireland:  Synchrotron-X-ray Fluorescence of Melanosomes Reveals Soft Tissue Anatomy of Fossil Vertebrates

Kelly Summers, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada:  8-Hydroxyquinolines in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease:  Direct Interactions with the Amyloid Beta Peptide

See 2018 submitted posters


Congratulations to the recipients of the 2017 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition!

Gauthier Deblonde, LBNL:  Shedding Light on the Transplutonium Element (Am, Cm, Bk, Cf) Solution Chemistry Using EXAFS - Beam Line 11-2

Izumi Ishigami, Albert Einstein College of Medicine:  Crystal Structure of CO-bound Cytochrome c Oxidase Determined by Serial Femtosecond X-ray Crystallography at Room Temperature

Ariana Peck, Stanford University:  Intermolecular Correlations are Necessary to Explain Diffuse Scattering from Protein Crystals

See 2017 submitted posters



PosterNo.PresenterAbstract TitlePosterPrize Entry?
55Maged AbdelsamieProbing Photo-Physical Processes in Organic Semiconductors Using Optical Pump - X-ray Probe SpectroscopyYes
35Aisulu AitbekovaLow-temperature Restructuring of CeO2-supported Ru Nanoparticles Determines Selectivity in CO2 Catalytic ReductionYes student
6Alyssa AlvarezExpressing, Purifying, and Characterizing a Flavodoxin from the Solvent-Producing Clostridium acetobutylicum 
56German BandaAn Experiment in Solubility: Truncating N- and C-Termini of calU17 
52Alexey BoubnovTheoretical Spectroscopy as a Complement to ExperimentYes
48Kristin BoyeLinking Reactive Pools and Microbial Energetics to Element Cycles and Contaminant Behavior in Floodplain Soils 
11Sarah BradfordStructural Investigation of Arabidopsis thaliana Peroxins: Purifying PEX4 and PEX22 for Crystallization 
22José Carmona-NegrónSynthesis, Structure, Docking and Cytotoxic Studies of Ferrocene-Hormone Conjugates for Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer ApplicationYes student
53Bor-Rong ChenUnderstanding Crystallization Pathways of Manganese Oxide Polymorphs Formation by Using in-situ X-ray ScatteringYes
70Ruchira ChatterjeeStructural Changes of the Mn4CaO5 Cluster in the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II Using X-ray Diffraction, Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy 
72Alice ContrerasOptimization of PR772 Bacteriophage Preparation for Single Particle XFEL Studies 
46Austin EchelmeierMicrofluidic Mixing for Time-resolved Serial CrystallographyYes student
25Nick EdwardsA New Large Range Rapid Scan X-ray Fluorescence Imaging Station at SSRL Beam Line 6-2Yes
17Chia-Yu FangTracking Dynamic Aggregation-Redispersion of Molecular Rhodium Species in Zeolites Driven by Reactive Atmospheres: Spectroscopic Characterization during ReactionsYes student
1Patrick FrankSynchrotron X-Radiolysis of L-Cysteine at the Sulfur K-edge 
24Carolyn GeeUse of Ultra-fast Silicon Detectors for Time-resolved Low-keV X-ray ScienceYes student
50Natalie GeiseMonitoring Capacity Losses through Operando X-ray Diffraction in Lithium Metal Anodes 
67Brenna GibbonsUsing Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Explain Catalytic Activity of Copper-SilverYes student
79Emmett GoodmanDeactivation in Supported Catalysts by Density-Dependent Decomposition of Particles into Single Atoms 
85Sheraz GulLiquid Microjet Sample Delivery System for Extreme Temperature Conditions 
81Nicholas HartleyCarbon-Hydrogen Demixing and Hydrogen Metallization 
88Kareem HegazyInvestigating Roaming in NO Dissociation of Nitrobenzene via Electron Diffraction 
27Sovanndara HokIn situ X-ray Diffraction of Shock-compressed PlagioclaseYes student
33Yijing HuangMechanism for the Soft-mode Driven Lattice Instability in SnSe 
45Izumi IshigamiSnapshot of an Oxygen Intermediate in the Catalytic Reaction of Cytochrome c OxidaseYes
8Esther JimenezExpression and Purification of JMJC-1(RIOX1) to Determine Its Roles in Histidine Hydroxylation 
15Haania KakwanOptimizing Expression and Purification of Viral HBV Polymerase 
54Robert KasseShedding (X-ray) Light on Lithium Metal Anodes 
87In-Sik KimManganese X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Photosystem II Microcrystals and Solutions 
32Thomas KrollStimulated X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Systems 
41Alan LandersStudying Hydrogen Intercalation into Palladium Thin Films Using in situ Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray ReflectivityYes student
77Kathryn LedbetterCharacterizing Electronic and Nuclear Structure of Catalytic Intermediates with Ni K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 
61Sangjun LeeResonant Elastic X-ray Scattering Studies of Charge Order Using a Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES) ArrayYes student
74Leon LeuIn Situ Fluid Behavior, Pore Structure and Heterogeneity in Mudrocks 
43Benjamin Levy-WendtIn-situ X-ray Characterization of Quaternary Diamond-Like Semiconductors for Thermoelectric Applications 
80Chufeng LiSPIND: A Reference-based Auto-indexing Algorithm for Sparse Serial Crystallography Data 
42Ning LiAnionic Oxygen Redox in High-Capacity Li-Rich Metal Oxide Cathodes 
60Renkai LiTHz-based Sub-femtosecond Metrology for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction 
12Xuanxuan LiClick: A Visualization-based Program for Preprocessing of Serial Crystallography DataYes student
68Hyeongtaek LimCu K-edge XAS Study of Formylglycine-generating EnzymeYes student
83Kipil LimSwitching On & Off Oxygen Redox in Li-rich Layered Oxides 
21Darya Marchany-RiveraEffect of pH on Fe-O2 Bond in the Oxygen Reactive Hemoglobins of L. pectinata by X-ray CrystallographyYes student
38Elizabeth MillerInvestigating Molecular Interactions in Lithium-sulfur Battery ElectrolytesYes
34Stephanie MoffittFundamental Characterization of Anti-soiling Coatings for PV Glass: Application of Small-Angle X-ray ScatteringYes
59Blaine MooersThe Pymolsnips Library for Faster Figure Making 
18Tasmia NadeemExpression and Purification of FolP Adaptive Mutant Involved in Trimethoprim-1 Sulfamethoxazole TMP-SMX Resistance 
4Chiagoziem NgwadomDeveloping Novel C1 Conversion Methods to Synthesize Multi-Carbon Products through the Enzyme, 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase (HACL) 
69Clara NybyTime-varying Shear Strain as an Ultrafast Symmetry Switch in a Weyl Semimetal 
65Jose OlmosCapturing Enzymatic Intermediates via Mix-and-Inject Serial CrystallographyYes student
66Courage OwhondaDetermining the Structure of Adenylate Kinase 
86Cindy PhamSimultaneous X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Emission Studies of Metalloenzymes at Room Temperature Using an XFEL 
63Yulia PushkarX-ray Emission Spectroscopy at X-ray Free Electron Lasers: Limits to Observation of Unperturbed Electronic Structures 
82Thomas PrestonMeasurements of the Momentum-dependence of Plasmonic Excitations Around 1 Mbar Using LCLS 
2Josell Ramirez-PazExpression and Purification of L-asparaginase Cysteine MutantsYes student
40Marco ReinhardPicosecond Cooperative Spin-state Switching of Iron-Triazole Nanoparticles 
9Carlos Reyes-Leon〖Ru[phen]〗_3^(2+)/Cy5 Silicon Nano-Particles for Intracellular Thermometry 
73Michael RodersModulation of Morphology and Charge Transport Networks in Non-fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Thin Films 
3Valentina RossiSynchrotron-X-ray Fluorescence of Melanosomes Reveals Soft Tissue Anatomy of Fossil VertebratesYes student
36Silvia RussiSSRL/LCLS MX Data Collection at Ambient Temperature under Humidity Controlled Conditions 
29Michael SanchezCharacterization of TiO2 Crystal Nucleation and Growth Along [001] on Template Stripped GoldYes
31Suchismita SarkerAccelerated Discoveries of Amorphous Alloys by Combining AI with High Throughput X-ray DiffractionYes
14Victoria SavikhinGIWAXS Error Simulation Tools and Peak Indexing Package in MATLABYes student
19Manoj SaxenaStructure of Human Serum Transferrin and Role of Titanium Speciation in Its Binding and Uptake by Human CellsYes
49Joachim SchuderEx-situ AFM Study of Heteroepitaxial Anatase TiO2 Growth on SapphireYes student
26Nils SchuthEffective Intermediate-spin Iron in O2-transporting Heme Proteins Determined by Combination of Valence-to-Core (Kβ) X-ray Emission Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry 
57Megan ShelbyFirst Results from LCLS X-ray Diffraction Studies of Crystalline ApoA1 and Apo E4 Nanodiscs 
51Xiaozhe ShenUltrafast Manipulation of Mirror Domain Walls in a Charge Density Wave 
62Inchul ShinCrystallization and Structure Determination of SfmD 
39Timothy StachowskiMonitoring Structural Consequences of X-ray Radiation Induced Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Activation with SAXS 
13Hans-Georg SteinrueckInterfacial Studies of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Lithium-ion BatteriesYes
71Ganesh SubramanianSTIMULATE and DETECT: Biochemical Reactions probed by X-ray Spectroscopy and Diffraction 
23Shuo SuiX-ray Compatible Microfluidics for Advanced Room Temperature CrystallographyYes student
20Kelly Summers8-Hydroxyquinolines in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Direct Interactions with the Amyloid Beta PeptideYes student
75Peiaho SunProbing the Fragile-to-Strong Transition in Supercooled Liquid Gallium 
86Yanwen SunSplit-delay on a Breadboard with Sub-microradian Precision 
78Kyle SutherlinExploring the Dynamic of PSII at Room Temperature by Femtosecond X-ray Pulses with X-ray Crystallography Coupled with Spectroscopy 
44Robert Tang-KongCombined Synchrotron Techniques for Probing Transient Electrochemical States during Water OxidationYes student
76Samuel TeitelbaumModification of Interatomic Forces with Lasers: Beyond Zone Center 
7Megan VuAnalysis of Off-Target Modification in a Three-Component Organometallic Tyrosine Bioconjugation 
37Max WiedornMegahertz Serial Crystallography at the European XFEL 
47Liheng WuIn Situ X-ray Scattering Guides the Synthetic Design of NanocatalystsYes
28Ke XuRevealing the Secrets of Ancient Roman Concrete: Microstructures with X-ray Computed Tomography and Machine LearningYes student
5James YanResonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Determination of the Electronic Structure of Oxyhemoglobin and Its Model ComplexYes student
16Xiao-Qing YangCombined Imaging and Spectroscopy Studies on Layered Lithium-ion Battery Cathode Materials Cycled in Various Voltage Windows Using TXM and XAS 
64Angel YangUnderstanding Active Site for Propene Combustion by Uniform Pd and Pt Bimetallic NanocrystalYes student
58Kang YaoAmorphous Si Thin Film Model Electrodes for Li-ion BatteriesYes
10Yu ZhangInterference Patterns Observed in Stimulated Emission Triggered by X-ray Free-electron Laser 
30Sioan ZoharExperiment and Theory of Monochromator Bandwidth Effects on Scattering Linearity at X-FELs