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Scientific Program Organizing Committee
- Arianna Gleason (Stanford, LCLS UEC Vice Chair)
- Graham George (U Saskatchewan, SSRL UEC Vice Chair)
- Sergio Carbajo (SLAC LCLS)
- Kevin Stone (SLAC SSRL)
Local Organizing Committee
- Arianna Gleason (Stanford, LCLS UEC Vice Chair)
- Graham George (U Saskatchewan, SSRL UEC Vice Chair)
- Sergio Carbajo (SLAC LCLS)
- Kevin Stone (SLAC SSRL)
- Leilani Conradson, LCLS User Services
- Lisa Dunn, SSRL User Services
- Paul Jones, LCLS User Services
- Cathy Knotts, SSRL User Services
LCLS Users’ Organization Executive Committee (LCLS UEC)
- Christoph Bostedt, Paul Scherrer Institute (LCLS UEC Chair 2018)
- Arianna Gleason, Stanford University (LCLS UEC Vice Chair)
- Félicie Albert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Lin X. Chen, Argonne National Laboratory
- Bruce Doak, Max Planck Institute
- Petra Fromme, Arizona State University (LCLS UEC Past Chair 2016)
- Kristoffer Haldrup, Technical University of Denmark
- Ross Harder, Argonne National Laboratory
- Michael Meyer, European XFEL, Hamburg
- Lois Pollack, Cornell University
- David Reis, SLAC/Stanford University (SIMES, PULSE)
- Artem Rudenko, Kansas State University
- Richard Sandberg, LANL (LCLS UEC Past Chair 2017)
- Roseanne Sension, University of Michigan
- Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, University of Duisburg-Essen
- David Bushnell, Stanford University (Ex Officio, SSRL UEC)
- Leilani Conradson, SLAC (LCLS Liason, Ex Officio)
SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee (SSRL UEC)
- David Bushnell, Stanford University (SSRL UEC Chair 2018)
- Monica Barney, Chevron Energy Technology Company
- Dave Barondeau, Texas A&M University
- Kelly Chacón, Reed College
- Scott R. Daly, University of Iowa
- Natalie Geise, Stanford University
- Graham George, University of Saskatchewan (SSRLUEC Vice Chair)
- Vinayak V. Hassan, Applied Materials
- Debra Hausladen, Stanford University
- Marco Keiluweit, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Henry La Pierre, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Nathan Lavey, University of Okhlahoma
- Dan Lin, Caltech
- Feng Lin, Virginia Tech
- Lisa Mayhew, University of Colorado
- Blaine Mooers, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (SSRL UEC Past Chair 2017)
- Edward Snell, Hauptman Woodward Institute (SSRL UEC Past Chair 2016)
- Tim Stemmler, Wayne State University
- Kelly Lynn Summers, University of Saskatchewan
- Mariano Trigo, Stanford University
- Christoph Bostedt, Paul Scherrer Institute (LCLS UEC Chair 2018)
- Beth Wurzburg, (Ex Officio NUFO)
- Lisa Dunn, SLAC (SSRL Liason, Ex Officio)
- Cathy Knotts SLAC (SSRL Liaison, Ex Officio)