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Wednesday, Sept 27

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Several parallel workshops are being planned for Wednesday, September 27, 2017. This program will be updated as details are finalized.
Registration opens at 7:30am in SUSB 053 lobby).

Morning Sessions

Afternoon Sessions

  • Accelerator Performance Developments (SUSB 053-2002 Berryessa)
  • Feature Extraction for LCLS-II (051 Kavli Auditorium)
  • Ultrasensitive Electronic Structure Detection in (Bio)Chemistry and Catalysis (048 ROB C/D)


  • Additive Manufacturing (SUSB 053 Trinity Conference Room)
    • Organizers:  Johanna Nelson Weker, Kevin Stone (SLAC/SSRL)
    • Metal additive manufacturing (AM) builds 3D components by selectively melting metal precursors to build a component layer-by-layer. Currently, widespread adoption of AM is hindered by the lack of understanding between the processing parameters and the resulting evolution of composition and microstructure of printed parts. Models are ill equipped to accurately predict the performance of a part and therefore cannot be used to qualify builds. X-ray characterization of the melt pool and its resolidification during the AM process promise to provide valuable knowledge that can be used to inform and improve existing modeling efforts and thereby accelerate the process development and qualification time for additively manufactured components.
    • Tentative Program:
    • 8:15 am Introduction 
      8:30 am Anthony Fong, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory:  In-situ X-ray Characterization of the Additive Manufacturing Process
      9:00 am Tao Sun, Argonne National Laboratory/APS
      9:30 am John Carpenter, Los Alamos National Laboratory
      10:00 am Coffee Break & Group Photo
      10:30 am Wayne King, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
      11:00 am Diana Gamzina, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory:  Additive Vacuum Electronics
      11:30 am Branden Kappes, Colorado School of Mines:  The Additive Manufacturing Data Challenge:  Advances in Curation, Collection, and Analysis
      12:00 pm Lang Yuan, GE
      12:30 pm Lunch Break
      2:00-4:00 pm Breakout discussions in SSRL Bldg. 137 Conference Rooms 321, 322, 324, 226
      4:00-4:30 pm Debrief from breakouts
      4:30 pm Adjourn


  • First Experiments for LCLS-II: From Early Science to the PRP (051 Kavli Auditorium)
    • Organizers: Mike Minitti, David Fritz, Robert Schoenlein (SLAC/LCLS)
    • The LCLS-II Instrument Development Team, in coordination with the Instrument Advisory Panels and with User input from previous workshops, have identified and refined a representative subset of “early science” experimental campaigns. These campaigns were translated into specific development plans that will drive the definition and phased implementation of the newly delivered instrument suites.  Updates on the progress of each of the three new experimental suites, as well as the Facility’s approach to commission, transfer to operations, and perform the First Experiments will be presented.
    • Program:
    • 9:00 amProgram Update - David Fritz, SLAC
      9:15 amNEH 1.1 - Scope, design status, delivery date, components, etc. - Mike Minitti, SLAC/LCLS
      9:45 amNEH 1.2 - Scope, design status, delivery date, components, etc. - Andrew Aquila, SLAC/LCLS
      10:30 amBreak
      11:00 amNEH 2.2 - Scope, design status, delivery date, components, etc. - Georgi Dakovski, SLAC/LCLS
      11:30 amEarly Science Approach - Bob Schoenlein, SLAC/LCLS


  • Probing Structure and Chemistry of Surfaces using Hard X-ray Methods (048 ROB C/D)
    • Organizers:  Simon Bare, Apurva Mehta (SLAC/SSRL)
    • Thin film devices and interfacial chemistry have long been of scientific and technological importance.  The properties of this ultrathin films and especially the interfacial surfaces are distinctly different from those of the bulk material.  A probe of atomic scale structure and chemistry of these surfaces (and thin films) under operational conditions is critical for gaining a fuller understanding how these surfaces perform the chemistry and the thin film device function.  In this workshop we will discuss various hard x-ray scattering and spectroscopic techniques, including challenges they pose and strategies needed to employ them to effectively probe them under operando conditions, to understand how they function and how they fail.
    • Program:

      8:30 am  Introduction - Apurva Mehta, SLAC/SSRL
      8:45 am   Using spectroscopy and reflectivity to understand the role of oxygen in electrolyte gating of gold and strontium - Trevor Petach, Stanford University
      9:15 am  Imaging Ions at Charged Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Structure and Reactivity - Paul Fenter, Argonne National Lab
      9:45 am  Probing the nanoscale structure of the catalytically active overlayer on Pt alloys with rare earths - Anders Filsøe Pedersen, Technical University of Denmark
      10:15 am  Coffee Break
      10:30 am  Probing the Nucleation of Nanoparticles at Water-Substrate Interfaces in Situ Using Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering - Young-Shin Jun, Washington University St. Louis
      11:00 am  Catalysis by size- and composition selected clusters: Insights from in situ studies - Stefan Vajda, Argonne National Lab
      11:30 am  Towards identifying the active sites on RuO2 in catalyzing oxygen evolution - Reshma R Rao, MIT
      12:00 pm  CO2 reduction - Jeremy Feaster, Stanford University
      12:30 pm  Panel discussion - Simon Bare, SLAC/SSRL
      1:00 pm  Lunch Break
  • New Tools for Macromolecular Structure Determination at Physiological Temperatures (SUSB 053-2002 Berryessa)
    • Organizers:  Aina Cohen, Raymond Sierra, Artem Lyubimov (SLAC)
    • Program:

       9:00 am  New Methods for Room Temperature Crystallography at SSRL and LCLS-MFX - Aina Cohen, SLAC/SSRL
       9:30 am  Optimizing Diffraction Quality through Humidity Control - Silvia Russi, SLAC/SSRL
      10:00 am  Protein structure determination by NMR spectroscop​y - John Cort, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
      10:30 am  Coffee Break
      11:00 am  Use of the Microfluidic Electrokinetic Sample Holder (MESH) Injector - Raymond Sierra, SLAC/LCLS
      11:30 am  Serial Diffraction Data Collection and Analysis at SSRL and LCLS - Artem Lyubimov, SLAC/SSRL
      12:00 pm  Lunch Break
      12:30 pm  Sample Extractor for Serial Crystallography at XFELs and Synchrotron sources - Irimpan Mathews, SLAC/SSRL
  • Accelerator Performance Developments (SUSB 053-2002 Berryessa)
    • Organizer: Franz-Josef Decker
    • After the 6-month downtime for the BSY reconfiguration, the LCLS accelerator started up well and is performing with photon pulses up to 6 mJ at 9 keV.  New developments, like XLEAP are on the way. Improved understanding of transverse wakefield kicks has helped to enhance the performance of two-bucket experiments and enables multi-bunch experiments.
    • Invited Speakers & Program:
    • 1:30 pmLCLS Accellerator Performance - Axel Brachmann, SLAC
      2:10 pmX-ray multi-pulses at the LCLS - Alberto Lutman, SLAC
      3:00 pmBreak
      3:20 pmThe XLEAP Project (X-Ray  Laser-Enhanced Attosecond Pulse generation) - Agostino Marinelli, SLAC
      4:00 pmWrap up discussion
  • Feature Extraction for LCLS-II (051 Kavli Auditorium)
    • Organizers: Chris O'Grady, Jana Thayer
    • The high-rates associated with LCLS-II will produce data volumes of ~200GB/s in 2020 with significant increases in subsequent years.  To control computing costs/complexity and analysis turnaround-time, the relevant science features will have to be extracted from the data in real-time using software and firmware algorithms.  This workshop will discuss algorithms and infrastructure needed to reduce the data volume by a factor of 10.
    • Invited Speakers & Program:
    • 1:00 pmLCLS-II Data Reduction: Motivation and Directions - Christopher O'Grady, SLAC
      1:25 pmRedundant data reduction for X-ray diffuse scattering - Tim van Driel, SLAC
      1:50 pmSerial Crystallography Data Reduction with Convolutional Neural Networks - Nick Sauter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
      2:10 pmOpportunities and Challenges of High Data Rate Serial Crystallography - Anton Barty, DESY
      2:35 pmSFX/SPI feature extraction - Chuck Yoon, SLAC
      3:00 pmBreak
      3:15 pmTechnology Choices for the LCLS II Data Reduction Pipeline and Data Formats - Clemens Weninger, SLAC
      3:40 pmLossless compression of LCLS data - Mikhail Dubrovin, SLAC
      4:00 pmAutomatic Beam Center Finding (and Beyond) - Silke Nelson, SLAC
      4:25 pmFirmware Processing of LCLS-II Timetool Data - Sioan Zohar, SLAC
  • Ultrasensitive Electronic Structure Detection in (Bio)Chemistry and Catalysis (048 ROB C/D)
    • Organizers:  Dimosthenis Sokaras, Dennis Nordlund (SLAC/SSRL)
    • Capturing valency, spin and symmetry of active centers in chemical reactions is at the heart of our quest to decipher the most important processes in biology and industrial catalysis. SSRL is uniquely positioned to provide a powerful platform for comprehensive characterization using ultrasensitive core-level spectroscopy detection techniques applicable across the periodic table and in many different environments. This workshop will focus on technical advances with ultrasensitive instrumentation in both the hard and soft x-ray regions, two breakout session in bio-chemistry and chemical catalysis, followed by a panel on how the systems (soft and hard x-ray spectroscopy setups and by extension LCLS) can be integrated into a powerful platform.
    • Invited Speakers and Tentative Program:
    • 1:30 pm     Advanced Hard X-ray Spectroscopy - Dimosthenis Sokaras, SLAC/SSRL
      2:00 pm    Soft X-ray Spectroscopy with TES - Sang-Jun Lee, SLAC
      2:30 pm    HERFD X-ray Spectroscopy - Graham George, University of Saskatchewan
      3:00 pm    Tanja Cuk, Colorado
      3:30 pm    Break
      4:00 pm    Iron Centered complexes - Mike L. Baker, Stanford University
      4:30 pm   L edge experiments and other measurements on Mn models - Ruchira Chatterjee, LBNL
      5:00 pm    Chemical and Contact Doping in 2D materials - Theanne Schiros, Columbia University
      5:30 pm    Wrap up discussion