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Thursday, Sept 28

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The Plenary Session will be held in the SUSB 053 Panofsky Auditorium and adjacent conference rooms/patio. We plan to have a live stream of plenary session talks for users and staff who are not able to attend the users' conference. 


7:30 am    Registration (in SUSB 053 lobby)


8:25 am    Welcome and Introductions by Session Moderator - Christoph Bostedt, Argonne National Laboratory (LCLS UEC Vice Chair)

8:30 am    Welcome and SLAC Update - SLAC Director Chi Chang Kao ​

8:45 am    LCLS Update - Mike Dunne​, LCLS Director

9:20 am    SSRL Update - Kelly Gaffney​, SSRL Director

9:55 am    Society for Science at User Research Facilities (SSURF) Update - Susan White-DePace, SSURF Chief Operations Officer / Argonne National Laboratory User Programs Manager

10:15 am   Break - Vendor Exhibits (SUSB Panofsky Lobby & Trinity Conference Room)


10:35 am   Introductions by Session Moderator - Dave Bushnell, Stanford University (SSRL UEC Vice Chair)

10:40 am   DOE Office of Science Basic Energy Sciences (BES) Update - Linda Horton, Director, BES Materials Science and Engineering Division

11:10 am   LCLS Young Investigator Award - Kasper Skov Kjær, PULSE Institute at SLAC and Stanford University/Lund University/Technical University of Denmark:  Mapping molecular excited state electronic and structural dynamics with the LCLS

11:30 am   Poster Blitz Moderator - Ray Sierra

12-1 pm     Lunch Break (option to sign up and pre-pay for lunch when you register with seating on patio)(alternatively, lunch on your own -- can be purchased at Starbucks, SLAC Cafe, Quadrus Cafe, etc.)

12-1 pm     Vendor Exhibits (SUSB Panofsky Lobby & Trinity Conference Room)


1:00 pm     Introductions by Session Moderator - Blaine Mooers, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (SSRL UEC Chair)

1:05 pm     Farrel Lytle Award - Matthew Latimer honored for 20 years of beam line and instrumentation design, operation and scientific support 

1:15 pm     William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award - Kathryn Hastie, The Scripps Research Institute:  Structural basis for antibody-mediated neutralization of Lassa virus

1:45 pm     Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award - Suhas KumarHewlett Packard Enterprise:  Using a synchrotron to understand nanoelectronics and design futuristic computers

2:15 pm     Users Discussion with​ Facility Directors: Mike Dunne (LCLS) & Kelly Gaffney (SSRL)​ - Session Moderator - Richard Sandberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LCLS UEC Chair)

3:00 pm     GROUP PHOTO please gather in front of SUSB

3:10 pm     Break - Vendor Exhibits (SUSB Panofsky Lobby & Trinity Conference Room)


3:25 pm     Introductions by Session Moderator - Richard Sandberg, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LCLS UEC Chair)

3:30 pm     High resolution x-ray spectroscopic studies of intermediates in biological methane oxidation - Serena DeBeer​, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion

4:00 pm     Serial Femtosecond Crystallography: Past, Present, and Future - Henry Chapman, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)​

4:30 pm     Creating and Probing Extreme States of Matter at the LCLS - Malcolm McMahon, University of Edinburgh


​​5:00 pm     Poster Session & Reception (SUSB 053 Patio)

7:00 pm     Joe Wong Outstanding User Poster Session Award Presentations (SUSB 053 Patio)