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This annual meeting, which traditionally involves 300-500 participants, provides a valuable opportunity for the scientific user community, vendors and other colleagues to interact and discuss the latest science and technology.  

Exhibitor Information

The exhibit space for the next SSRL and LCLS Annual Users' Meeting at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has reached capacity and is now closed. Advance registrations for regular attendees will be accepted through September 20th. Check back next year for another opportunity to exhibit at this annual event which traditionally involves 300-500 participants and provides a valuable opportunity for the scientific user community, vendors and other colleagues to interact and discuss the latest science and technology.

The exhibit will be held in conjunction with the plenary session, poster session and reception on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th in Building 053, Science and User Support Building (SUSB), in the Trinity Rooms and Hallway.

  • Limited Exhibitor SpaceExhibit space is FULL..
  • Exhibit fee: $1,350 for 5 foot table (for 5' TABLE TOP EXHIBIT)
  • Table-top exhibits will be set up in the SUSB 053 Trnity Room and hallway (adjacent to Panofsky Auditorium where the plenary talks are planned)
    • Exhibit move-in:  Thursday, September 28  8:00 AM -10:00 AM
    • Main Exhibit hours: Thursday, September 28  10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Exhibit tear-down: Thursday, September 28  5:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Earlier tear down can be arranged if desired. This is primarily a one-day exhibit, but let us know if you are interested in continuing your exhibit thru Friday so we can work with you to determine if we have space available.)
  • Exhibitors are invited and encouraged to participate in all events, particularly the Lunch, Poster Session, and Reception on Thursday, September 28th.
  • Each exhibiting company will be allotted badges for up to three exhibitors. Exhibitor badges should be worn throughout the meeting. Exhibitor badges confer the same privileges as regular meeting attendees, including admission to all sessions, lunches and reception. Additional persons accompanying the exhibit must register separately as regular meeting participants.
  • Each exhibitor will be assigned a table-top exhibit space which consists of a draped table and two chairs. All exhibit material MUST FIT within this space. Please provide a description of all exhibit materials including dimensions and weight estimates of table-top exhibits. Please indicate in advance if electricity is desired to determine if arrangements can be made; include watt/amps needed and description of equipment or lights needing electricity. We expect to be able to provide electrical connections but this has not yet been confirmed. If electricity is pre-arranged, please bring any extension cords, power strips, and cables that you may need. Late requests for electricity will NOT be accommodated.
  • Reserve lodging at nearby hotels/motels.
  • Exhibits can be shipped in advance and stored for up to 5 days prior to the meeting at no additional charge. Send exhibit materials to:

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratoryc/o C. Knotts, SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference2575 Sand Hill Road, SSRL Bldg. 120 (MS 99)Menlo Park, CA  94025Tel. 650-926-3191

  • If you need assistance with delivery or shipping arrangements, please contact Cathy Knotts (650-926-3191) or Todd Slater (650-926-2066). If you provide your shipping labels with your account info, we can help to ship your material to the next event.
  • Exhibitors must complete a waiver and release.
  • Neither meeting organizers, management, contractors, nor facility staff assume responsibility for any merchandise or display material which may become lost, stolen or damaged under any circumstances. Exhibitors must carry their own insurance.

Exhibitor List

Meet with these exhibitors during the SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference in the SLAC Science and User Support Building (SUSB 053), Trinity Rooms and Hallway, on September 28, 2017, 10 am - 5 pm:

CPI (Communications & Power Industries) 
FMB Oxford Limited 
Huber Diffraction USA 
Inprentus, Inc. 
InSync, Inc. 
JJ X-Ray A/S 
Kurt J. Lesker Co. 
Leybold USA 
Mirion Technologies (Canberra) 
Nor-Cal Products, Inc. 
Pfeiffer Vacuum 
PI (Physik Instrumente) 
Piezosystems Jena 
Rigaku Innovative Technologies, Inc. 
Thales Seso  
Thermo Fisher Scientific 
Toyama Co., Ltd. 
UC Components 
VAT Valve 

Exhibits will be located in SLAC Building 053 SUSB Trinity Conference Room and Hallway adjacent to Panofsky Auditorium, Thursday, September 28th 10 am- 5 pm

See exhibitor list from 2016  and 2015 conference.

The LCLS/SSRL Users' Conference Organizers gratefuly acknowledge the support of these exhibitors.This does not constitute an endorsement of any exhibitors’ products or services.