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2017 SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting

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Click here for details of the 2018 SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting at SLAC

Joint SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting at SLAC September 27-29, 2017

Thank you for making the annual SSRL/LCLS users' meeting a success. Over 400 people participated in one or more of the many events that comprise the annual users' meeting of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). This is a unique opportunity to gather together the lightsource community in a single scientific event that includes numerous presentations in plenary, poster and parallel sessions. Participants are able to learn about current/future facility capabilities and the latest user research as well as to discuss science with colleagues from academia, research laboratories, and industry worldwide.

A plenary session with facility updates, invited talks, and exhibits was held on September 28, with several focused half day workshops on September 27 and 29. The User Science Poster Session and reception on Thursday, September 28, 5-7 pm, concluded with the presentation of the Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Awards.

Congratulations to the Lytle Award and Wong Poster Award Winners:

Plenary Session Talks, Thursday, September 28 (live stream):

Parallel Workshops -  Wednesday, September 27 & Friday, September 29:

The joint annual users' meeting was held at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

Meeting Organizers:

  • Christoph Bostedt (ANL, LCLS UEC Vice Chair)
  • David Bushnell (Stanford, SSRL UEC Vice Chair)
  • Axel Brachmann (SLAC AD)
  • Sergio Carbajo (SLAC LCLS)
  • Dimosthenis Sokaras (SLAC SSRL)

We look forward to seeing you at the next joint SSRL/LCLS users' conference in September 2018!

The High Power Laser Workshop was held at SLAC concurrently with the users' conference on September 27-28, 2017 (separate registration required).

The annual users' meeting of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) is held at LBNL the following week, October 2-4, 2017 (separate registration is required).