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LCLS-II Scientific Opportunities Workshops 2015: Material Physics Workshop

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Material Physics Workshop, 9-10 February 2015 

 Material Physics Workshop

February 9-10, 2015 

February 12, 2015 (MEC breakout)  

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Menlo Park, CA


 Invited Speakers:

  • Peter Abbamonte - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  
  • John Hill - Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Theo Rasing - Radboud University  
  • Oleg Shpyrko - University of California, San Diego 
  • Thomas Russell - University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Justin Wark - University of Oxford 
  • Keith Nelson - Massachusetts Institute of Technology​

Materials Workshop Agenda​ 

MEC Breakout Agenda (Feb. 12th) ​

Breakout Discussions

Discussions Topic Groups
Breakout Leaders

Magnetism & spin dynamics

Peter Fischer and Hermann Durr

Correlated materials and charge-collective modes

Zahid Hussain, Z.X. Shen and Tom Devereaux

Materials physics – nanoscale structure and heterogeneity

Steve Kevan, Aymeric Robert and David Reis

Matter under Extreme Conditions (Feb. 12th)

Siegfried Glenzer, Philip Heimann and Jerry Hastings 

LCLS-II will provide revolutionary opportunities for addressing Grand Challenge questions from the level of electrons and atoms to the long-range, mesoscopic to macroscopic properties that emerge. These opportunities arise from the unprecedented combination of high-repetition rate, photon energy range, short pulse duration and high coherence of LCLS-II.

The LCLS-II Materials Physics workshop aims to identify high-impact scientific questions that can be uniquely addressed with LCLS-II. Plenary presentations on the first day will address Grand Challenge topics in preparation for breakout sessions on the second day to discuss specific scientific and technical challenges.